Q: What is an Auto-Refill subscription?
A: By subscribing to our Auto Refill service, you won’t have to worry about running out of Morris Motley grooming products.

Just indicate which products you want delivered to you and we’ll sort the rest out!

You can change your details, the frequency of your delivery and quantity of products in the My Account / Manage Subscriptions section of our site, or if you wish, you can cancel at any time. Changes to orders can be made anytime within 24 hours of the scheduled order shipment date.

Q: How do I subscribe to the Auto-Refill service?
A: You can sign up for Auto-Refill by visiting any product page and selecting option for Auto-Refill, above the Add To Bag button.

Q: Is shipping charged for each delivery?
A: No. Shipping is free for all customers who subscribe to our Auto-Refill service.

Q: When will orders ship?
A: Your first order will be shipped within 2 business days. All future orders will be processed depending on the frequency you chose when placing your first order. For example, if you place your first order on July 12th and choose to receive your products every month, your next order will be processed on August 12th and will be shipped within 2 business days. All Auto-Refill orders are sent with standard shipping and we will do our best to ensure that your orders arrive to you at the times you have specified.

Q: When will I be charged for orders?
A: The billing cycle will begin when you place the initial order and subsequent payments will be made at the frequency you have chosen.

Q: Are there any recurring charges associated with Auto-Refill?
A: The recurring charge is only the cost of the product(s) selected for Auto-Refill.

Q: What if I want to skip a delivery?
A: If you would like to skip a delivery, go to the My Account / Manage Subscription section of our site where you will see your next scheduled order under Delivery Schedule. Click the "Skip" link to skip an order.

Q: How do I cancel my Auto-Refill?
A: You can cancel your Auto-Refill subscription at any time by going to My Account / Manage Subscription. Click the “Cancel” link to cancel an order.

Q: How do I change my delivery address?
A: You can change your delivery address for Auto-Refill orders by going to My Account / Manage Subscription. Click the ‘Edit’ link to edit your delivery address. Once you have edited your address, click Save.

Q: How do I change my payment details?
A: You can change the credit card for future orders by visiting the My Account / Manage Subscription section of our site. Click Billing Information and click the Update Card link. Once you have edited your card click Update Card to save your details.

Q: How do I view my future deliveries?
A: You can see your future Auto-Refill subscription orders by visiting the My Account / Manage Subscription section of our site and click Delivery Schedule.